Special guest artist Karen Bonaker covers great techniques for organic watercolor and thick paint looks.
This intro sets the scene for an exercise based on Monet’s water lily paintings.
|video| Choosing a source image, viewing Monet …
Auto-Painting used with Smart Stroke Painting …
|video| Continuing painting with Big Wet Luscious. …
Overview of the workspace, then a look at Skip’s impasto painting, referencing Dutch artist Roos Schuring, using some of Skip’s fabulous brushes.
Work from member photo which is also loaded into the Mixer pad for reference. Use a wide variety of brushes.
Demonstrate using a variety of brush variants, mainly Den’s Oil Funky Chunky and Sargent with a touch of Sunburst and Artist’s Palette Knife, while working from member photo.
|video| Exploration of the luscious brush variants …