The Portrait Conversation<br>Episode 12<br>Dr. Stacey Efstathiou, Virologist<br>COVID-19 Vaccines and the Path Forward

The Portrait Conversation
Episode 12
Dr. Stacey Efstathiou, Virologist
COVID-19 Vaccines and the Path Forward

1 hour 26 minutes

The Portrait Conversation, Episode 12, welcomes back special guest Dr. Stacey Efstathiou, former Head of Viral Vaccines at the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control, who was previously featured in The Portrait Conversation, Episode 4. In this conversation we discussed the current state of the pandemic, the COVID-19 vaccines, how they work, their efficacy and safety, and their implications for our lives looking forward in the new year and beyond.

Stacey is a well-respected virologist, a world expert on herpesvirus, who was Head of Viral Vaccines at the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control from 2015 to 2018; and was Head Of Division (Virology) at the Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, UK, from 2003 to 2010. He has published almost 100 scientific papers; is author of three patents; has been a keynote speaker at numerous international conferences; was Editor in Chief of the Journal of General Virology; and was a member of the Medical Research Council (MRC) Infection and Immunity Board.

Click here to read Stacey’s great articles on coronavirus he has written for The Naked Scientists (a group based in the UK who are involved in the public understanding of science). Another useful source of information is the CDC’s page on COVID-19 vaccines.

Stacey, Thank you so much for this wonderful information. I was skeptical about the vaccine. You’ve definitely erased my concern and I feel so informed, thanks to you.

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Jeremy Sutton

Originally from London, I studied drawing, sculpture and print-making at the Ruskin School of Fine Art and Drawing, Oxford University (while earning a degree in Physics), and subsequently studied at the Vrije Academie in The Hague, The Netherlands. I\'ve been using digital paint since 1991, including every version of Painter. I love teaching and have taught workshops and given presentations all over the world for the last twenty years. I create commissioned fine art paintings and perform live action painting and digital portraiture. I founded PaintboxTV in February 2009. Thank you for being part of this creative community!

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